Comments on: Last week on (March 6 – 13 2010) the latest stuff about Sun, 13 Jan 2013 18:26:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Paul Thu, 18 Mar 2010 08:35:47 +0000 Thank you for the kind words! We're glad you found us. Thank you for the kind words! We’re glad you found us.

By: Elias Tabakeas Elias Tabakeas Wed, 17 Mar 2010 09:00:32 +0000 Thank you very much for the warm welcome and for your very kind words! I am very happy to have discovered toonpool (quite by accident as I describe in the forum) So much talent gothered together!... from all around the world!... wow! I was so exited I immediately informed my colleagues in GreCA (Greek Cartoonists Association)- our professional Cartoonists union in Greece Especially since we’re thinking of creating something that will reflect how Cartoonists colleagues from all around the world view the present economic crisis (with emphasis the greek deeper crisis). I do not know what will be decided in the end but in any case we will probably need your invaluable input! I hope in a long happy, fruitful stay here… My warmest greetings from Athens… Thank you very much for the warm welcome and for your very kind words! I am very happy to have discovered toonpool (quite by accident as I describe in the forum)
So much talent gothered together!… from all around the world!… wow!
I was so exited I immediately informed my colleagues in GreCA (Greek Cartoonists Association)- our professional Cartoonists union in Greece
Especially since we’re thinking of creating something that will reflect how Cartoonists colleagues from all around the world view the present economic crisis (with emphasis the greek deeper crisis). I do not know what will be decided in the end but in any case we will probably need your invaluable input!
I hope in a long happy, fruitful stay here…
My warmest greetings from Athens…
