Carolyn Hiler makes A Zillion Dollars Comics, and she has been a toonpool member since June 2011. Carolyn lives at 4400 feet in Mt Baldy, CA, a town of 300 people located in the Angeles National Forest, about an hour east of Los Angeles. When not cartooning, designing goofball products, or hiking with her two adorable mutts, she works in private practice as a psychotherapist and art therapist. A Zillion Dollars products are available at
Which fictional character are you?
From the Wizard of Oz, I am the Wicked Witch of the West. I love monkeys, and the color black, and flying. I am also Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The vampires are the enemies of a creative life. I slay them all the time! When I’m feeling a little more pensive, I’m Kermit the Frog, always wondering about things like rainbows, and trying to write sweet memorable songs.
What’s in your refrigerator right now?
Leftovers from a big launch party I threw last weekend for these new tote bags I made. If you live within a 30 mile radius and are interested in some extra mozzarella, goat cheese, feta, romano cheese, tomatoes, peppers, basil, artichoke hearts, arugula, pizza dough from Trader Joes, tortilla chips, and other fixings for grilled pizzas, you should come on by with some tupperware.
What bores you the most?
The idea that life was better in the good old days. Anyone who has it all figured out. The Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.
What do you do when you see the glass half empty!
I paint the words “half empty” on a drinking glass.
Do you like your place or would you like to live somewhere else?
I love my place and I would also like to live somewhere else. Pros of living in Mt Baldy: Pristine mountain air, delicious tap water, creeks running by our house, view of the stars, total silence, and novelty snow. None of those things are available in nearby Los Angeles. Cons of living in Mt Baldy: No good restaurants, art stores, or easy access to my best pals. A significant amount of isolation. Pros of isolation: Extreme productivity. Cons of isolation: Insanity.
What are you able to do that Superman can’t do?
Couples therapy.
If you were sleep walking one night, where would you probably wake up the next day?
At the airport boarding a plane to New York, my city of origin, where I also live at this exact moment in a parallel universe.
What would you wear to be kicked out from a black tie cocktail party?
The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
Tell me the biggest prank you did on a friend.
I seriously cannot think of any pranks I’ve ever done. I’m way too nice. I prefer to limit my mockery of other people to quiet,private endeavors such as cartooning.
How to ruin your vacation?
Bring along, an uptight, miserly, control freak. Or someone who thinks you are.
10. If I gave you a giraffe, where would you hide it?
First, I would talk to the giraffe and see if it really wanted to hide or if it wanted to be out in the open. We would go over the risks and benefits of hiding vs. exposure. I would talk about how vulnerable one feels when putting one’s giraffeness or one’s artwork out there every day, but how it’s actually worth it, because life is too short to spend too much time hiding or worrying about what other people think or trying to be something that you’re not, like not-a-giraffe. Then we would sing an inspirational song together about the freedom that comes from being oneself, and about how you can make fun of clichés and believe them at the same time. After that, the giraffe would probably prefer to embrace its giraffeness and risk going public. But because I’m such an incredibly accepting and respectful person, in case the giraffe still preferred to be hidden, I would stash it up on my roof, where the only creatures who would see it would be the mountain chickadees and the Search and Rescue workers in the helicopters flying overhead looking for lost hikers.
Credits to Nicoleta Ionescu for
talking with Carolyn Hiler
By Kim Frost
The universe of toonpool artist Hermé is a sun-splashed playland of the gods floating high above the sublunary world we know. These curvaceous aristocrats, with their idealized faces and supple bodies, are like classical statues that have been awakened. Transparent and light as air, they frolic in a place where it’s okay to go naked and drink as much wine as you want. Gods just wanna have fun!
Hermé is like a champion golfer who wins every game with the fewest possible strokes. His bold characters arise from a sinuous line that looks as if it had been drawn in one sweeping gesture. The rich colors – gold, red, white, shades of blue – evoke regality and theatricality, humor and splendor, ecstasy and ornament.
A robust figure who looks like Icarus is the subject of Pacwine. In the myth, Icarus was incinerated for trying to make a trip to the sun with a pair of DIY wings. Here, though, the strapping god looks great, and his gigantic wings aren’t even singed. Did he survive the solar trip, or change his itinerary? With the grapes he holds, he could also be Dionysus, the god of wine and madness. Or is he really Hermé himself – Hermes, the winged messenger? Hermes is one of the busiest gods in the pantheon, in charge of agriculture, hospitality, friendship and sex, games and good luck. I love the white calligraphic lines that delineate his dark body, the curlicues of his joints, and the rosebud whirl inside the shoulder. And here’s a surprise: Pac-Man bouncing into the frame, eager to engulf a blood-red stream of wine that tilts out of the pagan altar (that’s a beautifully drawn phallic symbol of course). The layers of enclosure create security – the wings that shelter the god and his sun-warmed grapes, the dark floral scrolls framing the altar and Pac-Man, and the sun’s glow embracing the entire scene. In this conception Hermes is primarily a giver of life, the conduit of the earth’s abundance. He’s like the goat goddess who found the infant Zeus, the future king of the gods, and fed him with her milk.
In The Mirror, Hermé depicts a seated woman who appears to be gazing at herself in a hand-held mirror. The main surprise is that she has no head – the wavy line down her back suggests a swathe of long hair, but it turns into the inverted profile of a man. This vain woman seems to be losing herself, paradoxically, in her obsession with her own beauty. Is this a comment on the emptiness of narcissism? Or does vanity have utility after all? Can it create a negative space in a woman’s psyche and in her body, a point of vulnerability, permitting the man to enter? Another possibility is that the poor girl has literally lost her head over some guy. Everyone knows the feeling of being so much in love that everything looks upside down, including your own face in the mirror. This drawing also reminds me of Hermé’s charming self-portrait [see below] in which the artist uses the power of the drawn line to create his own body on the page. In this view we can take the seated figure in The Mirror to be the artist himself, who raises a mirror to life, and always reveals himself in his own creation.
Here is my interview with Hermé.
Where were you born, and where did you study?
I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I was inspired by this beauty and light. I have never studied drawing, but I always liked to draw (I have drawings I made at three years of age) and I started drawing professionally at age sixteen.
Who are your main influences?
I have always been greatly influenced by ancient Greek art. I have a fascination with the drawings on Greek vases. I have also been influenced by Picasso, Steinberg, and Roberto Burle Marx, among many others, and by Art Nouveau.
What do you use in your work?
I draw with all kinds of stuff, but I’m currently using a Wacom tablet (Cintiq 21 UX), and the Illustrator programs for Mac. I have a large number of printers for all purposes.
When did you become fascinated with wine?
I’m not exactly “fascinated” with wines. There was a time when I produced many drawings on this subject. I am now illustrating the works of Brazilian author Jorge Amado, and depicting women who are present in the work of this author.
What do you do when you’re not drawing?
I like to be very close to my family – children, wife, my dog, and some cats we had in our lives for five months.
The 5-star community
By Max Pohlenz / translated to English by mariposa
‚Rating’ is an ugly word. It almost sounds as though it describes the activity of one of the most hated, unloved, pestilential creature on this planet: the rat. Ever since 2008, the year of the financial crisis, the word has been on everyone’s lips and ears.
The keyword analysis site ‚Google Trends’ rates the search term ‚rating’ as following: the Search Volume Index decreased rapidly since 2004 from almost 1.50 to approximately 0.80, whereas the News Reference Volume continuously increased since the beginning of 2007, only to reach its short-lived climax on August 8 last year, when rumor had it that the USA was having difficulties in regaining the AAA rating level. To put it in a nutshell: the term ‚rating’ was less and less searched by google users, it turned out to be one of the most hated and unpopular words; and yet it had become irreversibly established in the news.
The rating system of was also hated, but indispensable for an online community like this. And while other portals equipped their users with new possibilities to participate in community life or adapted their rating system, time seemed to hang suspended in this department on – and time flies by dangerously fast on the internet. YouTube simplified its rating options by replacing the five star scale with ‚like’ and ‚dislike’ buttons, the nerdy artist community deviant-art seem to be free of any form of rating because of the invisible brotherhood band around its users, and many facebook users have started a cult in their blue and white cyber world by using the world-famous four-letter word: ‚Like’. Thumbs-up stickers posted all over the walls and doors of metropolitan IN-districts.
What is remarkable is that many facebook users have expressed their longing for a ‚dislike’ button. The most simple rating system is still too unperfect for some users. The biggest dislike group on facebook already has more than three million members, a number coming close to the population of Berlin. No matter what you call it – dislike, diss, bully, downgrade – giving negative ratings can release happiness hormones just like bitching and gossiping does. Since the beginning of my web existence in 1996, I witnessed the Seven Sins going online. All the evil comments and downgrades on the internet are revelations of Ira, the wrath and Invidia, the envy – all of this happening under the cloak of anonymity and by creating multiple identities or accounts, as though the internet and were teeming with schizophrenic stalkers diagnosed with bipolar disorder, who nowadays don’t seek attention by hooting and tailgating during evening rush hour, but arm themselves with mouse and keyboard. Web anonymity and rating agency – never before were these two subjects more present than in the last three years until today.’s users have (as befits a community of artists) a much more creative approach to this topic. The toonpool forum lists eight threads about rating. As early as March 2008 – wasn’t even 6 months old – a (former) user suggested changes and another one vented his displeasure. Suggestions ranked from mathematic to sociological concerns and even included an expression of outrage, an ‚international scandal in the world of cartoons’, which was aimed at a cartoon competition in cooperation with On, visitors were asked to vote for cartoons of Angela Merkel and Frank-Walter Steinmeier and owing to technical difficulties, the rating system seemed to have a manipulative property/character/touch.
In general, the cartoonist is a special type of the main category of artists: often sensitive, vulnerable, susceptible to criticism, and yet, unlike other creative beings, the cartoonist has the most powerful and dangerous instrument to fight back: the cartoon. The collection ‚the mysterious one-star-rater’ consists of a treasure of beautiful artworks about the mysterious legendary character peculiar to toonpool – the universally hated ‚one-star-rater’. At times he/it sits, as depicted by Dirk Berrens, in his quiet chamber like the phantom of the Opera in front of his gigantic screen, performing his evil doings
at times he kicks one and receives many stars due to the pain
or he kneels in front of a star-pooping donkey which is laughing at him (as pictured by Pascal Kirchmair).
These works express the general spirit of it’s a wonderful and creative community, at times stubborn, at times odd and strange, but always artistic and genuine. One subject will suffice, whether it be annoying or pleasant, local, global, analog or dialog: and voilá, there will be a response in the form of a cartoon.
Now the rating system is a relic of the past, instead we introduce a plain and simple heart. The new icon/symbol is an ancient/old message to the world. Make Love, not Stars. Or something along these lines. The Internet has become the most important rating instrument, you can give everything and everyone a grade: my house, my car, my wife. The victory of the Internet is also a victory of statistics, charts and databases. A little less of it will do us good, let’s hand out hearts instead.
Maybe the painting ‚The Scream’ by Edvard Munch is worth 120.000.000 $. The German translation for rating (‚Bewertung’) contains the word ‚value’ (‚wert’), so rating must involve a number – whether it be US dollars or toon-stars. Maybe the Norwegian masterpiece would have received one single star on What is certain though is, that there won’t appear any cloaked people at an exhibition who stick yellow and white stars below the artist’s artworks. On the other hand there’s always plenty of applause at gallery openings – hence the applause button.
During my communication design studies, I received a rating for one of my magazine layouts that initially shocked me, yet I learned to appreciate the view of the teacher: ‚That sucks.’ But communication design is no art either.
Deutsche Version (German version)
Die 5-Sterne-Community
Von Max Pohlenz
“Rating” ist ein häßliches Wort. Fast klingt es, als beschreibe es die Tätigkeit eines der verhaßtesten, ungeliebtesten, pestbringenden Wesen auf dieser Erde: der Ratte. Spätestens seit 2008, dem Jahr der Finanzkrise, ist das Wort in aller Munde und Ohren.
Die Keyword-Analyseseite “Google Trends” bewertet, also “rated” den Suchbegriff “rating” wie folgt: der Search Volume Index sank seit 2004 rapide von fast 1,50 auf ungefähr 0,80, während die News Reference Volume seit Anfang 2007 stetig anstieg und einen kurzen Gipfel am 8. August letzten Jahres erfuhr, als bekannt wurde, daß die USA Schwierigkeiten damit haben, ihr Rating AAA wiederzuerlangen. Bedeutet: der Begriff “rating” wurde seltener von google-Usern gesucht, er wurde immer verhaßter und unbeliebter; gleichzeitig war er jedoch nicht mehr aus den Nachrichten wegzudenken.
Auch das Rating-System von war verhaßt, aber bei einer Online-Community nicht wegzudenken. Doch während andere Portale ihren Benutzern neue Möglichkeiten zur Beteiligung am Community-Leben zur Verfügung stellten oder ihr Rating-System anpaßten, blieb die Zeit bei in dieser Hinsicht ein bißchen stehen – und die Zeit im Internet dreht sich gefährlich schnell. YouTube vereinfachte die Bewertung von fünf Sternen auf ein großes “Mag ich” und ein kleines “Mag ich nicht”, in der nerdigen Künstlergemeinde deviant-art untersagt eine Art unsichtbares Bruderschaftsband die böse Abwertung, und viele facebook-User haben die vier weltberühmten Buchstaben zur Bewertung innerhalb ihrer blau-weißen Online-Welt zum Kult erklärt: “Like”. Längst kleben in allen Szenevierteln der Metropolen an Wänden und Türen selbsterstellte erhobene Daumen aus Papier.
Dabei werden immer wieder Stimmen aus den facebook-Untiefen laut, die nach dem “Dislike”-Knopf rufen. Das simpelste Bewertungssystem ist noch zu unperfekt für den einen oder anderen Benutzer. Die größte Dislike-Gruppe auf facebook zählt immerhin über drei Millionen Mitglieder. Wie man es auch nennt – disliken, dissen, mobben, downraten – das negative Bewerten kann wie das Lästern Glückshormone freisetzen. Seit dem Beginn meines Online-Seins 1996 sah ich neben allen großen Veränderungen auch dem Online-Gehen der Sieben Todsünden zu. In allen bösen Kommentaren und Downratings im Web zeigen uns Ira, der Zorn, und Invidia, der Neid, ihre Gesichter – dies alles unter dem Deckmantel der Namenlosigkeit und unter Zuhilfenahme von multiplen Identitäten und Accounts, als ob das Internet und auch nur so wimmle von schizophrenen Stalkern mit bipolaren Störungen, die sich heutzutage nicht mehr hupend und dicht auffahrend im Feierabendverkehr aufmerksam machen, sondern sich mit Mouse und Tastatur bewaffnen. Auf der anderen Seite kämpft die sehr erfolgreiche, erst sechs Jahre alte Piratenpartei in Deutschland um die Anonymität im Web – zurecht, denn trotz der Shitstorms auf etablierte Politiker, trotz Stalkern und Mobbing-Angriffen brauchen die Minderheiten ein Sprachrohr, eine Plattform, in der sie sich namenlos austauschen können, so wie es seit Beginn des modernen Internets möglich ist. Netz-Anonymität und Rating-Agentur – noch nie waren diese zwei Themen aktueller als in den letzten drei Jahren bis jetzt.
Die gehen, wie es sich für eine Künstler-Community gehört, oftmals deutlich kreativer mit dem Sachverhalt um. Im toonpool-Forum dreht sich in acht Threads alles um das Rating, schon im März 2008 – war nicht einmal ein halbes Jahr alt – schlug ein ehemaliger User Änderungen vor und ein anderer drückte seinen Unmut aus. Die Vorschläge waren manchmal mathematischer, manchmal soziologischer Natur und reichten bis zum Ausruf eines “Internationalen Skandals in der Cartoonwelt“, wobei letzeres sich auf einen Cartoonwettbewerb auf in Kooperation mit bezog. Besucher konnten dort für Cartoons über Angela Merkel und Frank-Walter Steinmeier stimmen, aufgrund technischer Pannen erhielt das Bewertungssystem einen manipulativen Charakter.
Der Cartoonist im gemeinen ist eine besondere Gattung der Oberkategorie Künstler: oftmals sensibel, verletzlich, leicht durch Kritik beeinflussbar, kann er jedoch im Gegensatz zu den übrigen schaffenden Kreaturen mit seiner gefährlichsten Waffe zurückschlagen: dem Cartoon. Die Collection “the mysterious one-star-rater“ birgt ein Dutzend wunderbarer Kunstwerke, die sich mit der mysteriösen, toonpool-eigenen Sagenfigur befassen, dem allseits verhaßten “One-Star-Rater”. Mal sitzt er, wie von Dirk Berrens dargestellt, dem Phantom der Oper gleich im stillen Kämmerlein vor dem Riesen-Screen und führt sein schmutziges Werk aus, mal tritt er gegen den einen und erhält vor Schmerzen viele Sterne oder kniet wie bei Pascal Kirchmair vor einem sternekackenden Esel, der ihn auslacht.
Nun ist das Rating-System Vergangenheit, an seiner Stelle prangt ein schlichtes Herz. Das neue Symbol ist eine alte Nachricht an die Welt. Make Love, not Stars. Oder so ähnlich.
Das Web selbst ist das größte Bewertungsinstrument geworden, man kann für alles und jeden eine Note erteilen: mein Haus, mein Auto, meine Frau. Der Sieg des Internets ist auch ein Sieg der Statistik, der Tabellen und Datenbanken. Ein bißchen weniger davon tut gut, verteilen wir stattdessen Herzen.
Vielleicht ist das Gemälde “Der Schrei” von Edvard Munch 120.000.000 $ wert. Die deutsche Entsprechung für Rating, “Bewertung”, enthält das Wort “wert”, Bewertung muß also zwangsläufig über eine Ziffer erfolgen – egal, ob die Einheit US-Dollar oder toon-Sterne heißt. Auf hätte das norwegische Meisterwerk vielleicht einen Stern erhalten. Mit Gewißheit kann man jedoch sagen, daß auf der Vernissage eines Künstlers keine vermummten Gestalten auftauchen, die gelbe und weiße Sterne unter seine Arbeiten kleben. Applaus gibt es allerdings oft auf Galerieeröffnungen – daher der Applause Button.
Während meiner Ausbildung zum Kommunikationsdesigner erfuhr ich für einen meiner Magazin-Entwürfe eine Bewertung von meinem Dozenten, die mich zunächst schockierte, für die ich später aber dankbar war: “Das ist Scheiße”. Aber Kommunikationsdesign ist auch keine Kunst.
Image used for the preview by Medi Belortaja
]]>Toonpool artist Munguίa combines a painter’s command of color with the bold, curvaceous line work and playful humor of a master cartoonist. This is a beautiful, shimmery, decorative style with echoes of Picasso and Klimt, folk art, even ancient mosaics. It’s interesting in itself, but that’s just the beginning. There is always a parody, a joke, a surprising connection or a deeper meaning. His dreamlike scenarios carry you back to childhood, when two unlikely words strung together could call up an instant picture in your head. Or the expression on a dog’s face could put you in a dream. Munguίa encourages the fantasy – and unleashes a gorgeous world of zany, serendipitous delight.
A surprised-looking pizza chef catches a wave at sunset on a huge slice of ham-and-pineapple pizza, in Hawaiian Pizza 2. His teal-blue color makes him pop against the red-orange sea of tomato sauce. The waves are foamy with sliced tomatoes, and after a moment it becomes clear what those clouds are – Midas-touched dollops of mozzarella. Like the surfer, we’re carried along by the wave’s red curve and the edge of the pizza slice, to a surprise at lower left – the setting sun frames a tiny bikini-clad girl on a sailboat, with a slice of pizza for the sail. There’s a hum of movement and contrast – flat space gives way to sudden depth, intricate patterns break up smoother areas of color, all in support of the carefree figure at the center with the enviable lifestyle. I would love to be this guy!
What if valet parking were really Ballet Parking, with the lot attendants pirouetting en pointe! In a play on cama, the Spanish word for bed, two beds are entwined in ecstasy in Kamasutra. And I love the sheer outrageousness of Barbies, with the bearded tranny Barbie dolls still encased in their boxes.
Munguίa’s masterwork parodies are always affectionate. A favorite of mine: Monalisa Giving the Finger! At first blush, the cartoonist seems to be putting the most famous painting of all time in its place. But the artist is actually in collusion with his timeless subject. He’d like to give her a break. The lady has been dying to do something rude for a few hundred years, and Munguίa finally gives her the chance!
My recent interview with Munguίa.
Where were you born, where did you study, and where do you live now?
I was born and raised in San Jose, Costa Rica. I’m currently living in Guadalupe, a canton of San José, the capital.
Which artists inspire you the most?
As a child I was a fan of Garbage Pail Kids and Topps sticker collections. The style of John Pound influenced me as much as Matt Groening and Quino. My country recognizes the influence of my colleagues Nano, Arcadio and Ferrom in my work.
You use a beautiful painterly technique in your cartoons – do you also put cartoons in your paintings?
I just do cartoons – the techniques are what I change. Sometimes I do acrylic paintings, ceramics, sculptures, animations and video games – all related in the unity of my own style into humoristic art.
How do you work?
When working digitally I start with an original drawing with ink on paper, then scan it and color it on the computer. I usually use Photoshop, but now I’m using a Bamboo Tablet and Animator to put color to my drawings on paper. In addition to publishing my drawings on toonpool, I produce the Calcamunguías, a series of stickers printed on vinyl. The collection started ten years ago, and so far there are 1,226 images and counting. Some are printed on tee shirts, and others are printed on ceramic tiles and then shown in galleries.
What do you do when you’re not doing art?
I’m a husband and father of two children. I live with Deborah, Fausto (two and a half) and Fidel (a year and eight months), along with twenty-two dogs recovered by my wife from the street. In our shelter we had five dogs with three legs, two one-eyed dogs, a scarface one, ex-fighters, and mental illness. All good behavior, quiet and clean, thanks to my wife who has an extra-special ability to change the sad and sick into the happy and healthy.
I do art all the time. I paint and program video games for my kids, I help my wife in her work with illustrations and videos, and I also help many animal welfare groups and associations. I love to cook, I move furniture around the house, and I do installations.
More of Munguίa´s work you find here.
More videos by Marcus you can find on his youtube channel.
If you are an artist on and do your own “making of” videos, feel free to send us the link to your video so that we can feature it on our blog as well. Just write to [email protected].
]]>Check out more of Ian Marsden´s videos on his youtube channel.
If you are an artist on and do your own “making of” videos, feel free to send us the link to your video so that we can feature it on our blog as well. Just write to [email protected].
Around 40 cartoons were uploaded within the 70 hours, mostly new artworks in very different styles, mostly caricatures or portraits, but also funny cartoons and collages.
Juror Günther Emig, director of the Kleist Archives Sembdner in Heilbronn was very busy searching for his favorites and appreciated how many artists tried to “visualize” this one man, Heinrich von Kleist, the one who occupies Mr. Emig for years.
He couldn’t decide for 3 Kleist cartoons, so here are 6 picks with his comments (in random order):
Please check all submissions in this collection:
01. Which movie/tv character you see yourself as and why?
Kim Possible, she’s the most adorable super-heroine on TV.
02. Who’s Secret Santa would you like to be this year?
I would like to be Santa’s Secret Santa and jam all my small socks and jammies in his boots. If it weren’t for him, who would get the idea to serve you candy in used footwear?
03. What bores you the most?
The waiting rooms. They should have roller coasters, fireworks and cotton candy to make them more bearable.
04. Do you like your place or would you like to live somewhere else?
Yes, almost anywhere else, but with internet facilities.
05. What are you able to do that Superman can’t do?
I can wear high hills and kryptonite earrings to a party.
06. If you were sleep walking one night, where would you probably wake up the next day?
On the milk box.
07. What would you wear to be kicked out from a black tie cocktail party
Two white ties or maybe that toilet paper wedding dress that seems to be awkwardly popular on the internet.
08. Tell me the biggest prank you did on a friend.
Not the biggest prank, but the only one I can tell: once, I called a classmate and put the loudest alarm clock on the phone even before she got to answer.
09. How to ruin your vacation?
By putting it to an end.
10. If I gave you a giraffe, where would you hide it?
I’d hide it in the following Two and a half man episodes.
11. What do you do when you see the glass half empty!
I would freeze it, not to evaporate (also increasing volume).