artist Gerardo Llobet’s vision is so deeply held that he can’t draw a line without revealing it. His life-affirming spin on the world is encoded in the DNA of his cartoons. The humor and excitement, hubbub and catastrophe of social life his is subject, in his exquisitely realized bar scenes, street scenes, and beach scenes.
The flow of Gerardo’s breezy, fluid lines creates an almost audible buzz, particularly in his crowd scenarios. In Titus, gesture drawing reaches high art in this bar scene full of life, movement and character. A style like this one requires a dead-on technique. It looks effortless, but of course it isn’t. The ability to draw with this kind of freedom is the result of total self-assurance, technically and expressively. The organic curve is pre-eminent in Gerardo’s work. There are almost no straight lines, and where they exist, they show incredible variation – the same line can begin with a thick dark stroke, and end with a feathery, quivering edge.
Gerardo’s people are a true delight. The bodies and faces of his hilarious characters, their popping eyes and ecstatic grinning faces, their screwed-up foreheads and black-browed frowns, reveal every emotion. We do more than see these people – we know them on sight.
Their personalities bloom directly out of the gestural lines of their bodies, in an ideal fusion of form and character.
In Gerardo’s cartoon portrait Primadona 1, we meet a blonde woman in mid-stride, naked except for the strip of her teal-blue swimsuit bottoms. She’s a squat, confident figure in motion, composed of layers. The heavy-lidded eyes surmount a gigantic potato-shaped nose, and the nose juts out from between the huge breasts. These breasts seem to be the Primadona’s real eyes – two ferocious organs that size up the landscape with piercing pink pupils. She’s balanced on her short right leg, while the other foot stabs the air with ecstatic toes, and waves at us like a hand. Her real hand and arm are flung outward like a tasseled cord. Though her face is submerged, we know she’s a beauty. What does she want, a sunnier spot on the beach? A hot dog swathed in mustard? A new man? Whatever it is, this Primadona has an intensely appealing quality. The tenderness of this portrait is characteristic of Gerardo’s affectionate depictions of his characters, male and female.
Here’s my recent interview with Gerardo
What inspires you the most?
The full moon, a little…and seeing the work of great artists.
When did you first become obsessed with bars?
This is how I get beer! I worked in a bar with my parents in my youth.
Which artists did you admire when you were younger?
Moebius, R. Crumb, Edika, Franquin…and lots more!
How do you get your amazing loose and fluid line?
I developed this technique to make quick notes while taking orders at the bar.
I’m interested in how you’ve combined pen and ink with digital – do you draw first, and then color?
I work on parts of drawings with china ink and watercolor, and I also do ballpoint sketches.
I scan them, and then use the magnetic loop. With the magic wand I select areas in which I use gradients, brushes, filters, and the clone stamp to get the same tone as watercolors.
How often do you draw from life, with something in front of you?
At all times I observe the girls around me. The rest is all imagination.
Are women’s boobs bigger in Spain?
Everything is bigger in Spain!
What would you say your philosophy of life is, if you have one?
Pursue gurus!
More videos by Marcus you can find on his youtube channel.
If you are an artist on and do your own “making of” videos, feel free to send us the link to your video so that we can feature it on our blog as well. Just write to [email protected].
]]>Even if Stefano joined toonpool recently, on October 21, 2010, he has an wonderful and impressing gallery of almost 500 cartoons by now, in Italian, English, German, Romanian…
It’s interesting to find out more about how Stefano lives in two places, speaks two languages and once dated two girls at the same time.
1. Which movie/TV character you see yourself as and why?
I can probably see myself as Monsieur Hulot, as played and directed by Jacques Tati. This character always fascinated me for his ability to retain a level of sanity in a modern world that seems to become robotic, impersonal and insensitive. The central metaphor of Tati’s films is the contradictions and conflicts of globalization. He was a true pioneer. And there is nothing more devastating than globalization…
2. Next plans or ideas?
I do not have plans, and sometimes I lack ideas… that is partly why I turn to cartoons for assistance in trying to explain, or make any sense of, the reality around me. Only a few things make sense to me. I view the world though the eyes of Franz Kafka, Eugene Ionesco and Peter Pan…
3. Your food today?
I am about to prepare “Fettuccine alla Norcina” (Fettuccine Norcia-style) with truffles from that area (Umbria, Italy). You are invited.
4. Do you like your place or would you like to live somewhere else?
I basically live in two diametrically opposite worlds, the United States (New York) and Italy (Perugia). I have two passports, and think and speak in two languages. This is actually something I do not wish to anybody. It’s a torture. You are neither here nor there. You are always a tourist, and it is difficult to pinpoint where you belong.
5. What was the huge mistake in your life you (unfortunately) never made?
There have been several huge mistakes I’ve made, that’s why there are cartoonists! I am, essentially, a huge mistake myself. I guess I should have not studied film. I spent too much time writing and rewriting screenplays, and tons of money to produce a couple of short features. Not much success. But I do not miss the Hollywood environment. It is a gigantic delusion. And nobody is really happy.
6. Who are your neighbors?
Nobody ever asked me this question. Frankly, I have no idea who they are, although they have been across the street for at least 12 years. They really look like nice people. But this is the way we live in the United States. Nobody speaks to anybody. And if you eventually smell something funny, it only means that your neighbors are probably dead.
7. Tell me the shortest joke you know
A: “Excuse me, do you have the time?”
B: “No.” (B walks away)
8. Tell me the biggest prank you did on a friend.
I once (in my irresponsible youth) briefly dated two girls at the same time and gave them an appointment in front of a specific location. They did not know one another but stood there waiting for me while I was laughing with a friend of mine inside a car. In retrospect it was a horrible prank. But they never found out, and we are still good friends.
9. How to ruin your vacation?
To ask the two girls of question 8 to come along with you on a Caribbean island.
10. In 1977 NASA has sent orbiters Voyager 1 and 2 into space which will never stop to fly through the universe by gravity. They contain the Voyager Golden Records with many testimonials of the whole mankind, greetings in 55 languages introduced by US president Jimmy Carter (“This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and our feelings….”). The Golden Records with a lifespan of 500 million years at least are including drawings of a naked man and woman, detailed genitalia, many scientific graphics, sounds of planet earth and music by Bach, Beethoven, Mozart – and Chuck Berry:
Maybe aliens out there will be shocked in some million years! But in case such a NASA mission will be replayed: which of your artworks should join it?
11. Please give us an answer to a question we didn’t ask!
Both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are an exercise in futility.
Credits to Nicoleta Ionescu for talking with Stefano Maria Baratti
1. Which movie/TV character you see yourself as and why?
I think “Maggie” in “City of Angels” was the character I found myself resembling with, because some of her personality traits and thanks to the extremely convincing acting of Meg Ryan.
2. Next plans or ideas?
I have an unpublished album. I will publish it as soon as possible. Also I’m planning my second personal exhibition for the next year, maybe in Istanbul or Ankara.Apart from these, if I had a red-white mini-cooper, I would never forget where I parked it.
3. Your food today?
Spinach with a little bit of meat and plenty of yogurt.
4. Do you like your place or would you like to live somewhere else?
I’m in love with Izmir. When I had to leave it for the first time, at 21, because of the teachers rotation, I thought I will die in that new place. No sea, no smell of iodine and seaweed, no Jewish patty (Boyoz… a special desert that it’s only found in Izmir), no house made wine from the delicious grapes of the Aegean Sea… But I like very much to travel, to see new places and to meet new people… with the condition of returning to Izmir in the end. Also, I would like not to live, but to have a long holiday on a desert island, away from any kind of technology.
5. What was the huge mistake in your life you (unfortunately) never did?
Unfortunately, I never tightly thumped on the nose of any person who annoyed me up to despair.
6. Who are your neighbors?
I have a neighbor on the opposite side of the road who is constantly watching what I’m doing… and upstairs, the other one who is cleaning his house at very early hours on Sunday.
7. Tell me the shortest joke you know
A man has fallen asleep on the PC and he got sick the very next day. Why?? – Because forgot the “Windows” opened…
8. Tell me the biggest prank you did on a friend.
When I was 12 years old, we (me and my cousin) wanted to make a joke on my brother’s expense. He was on a swing and we have made him to become tangled in the ropes by turning the swing… and later we left it. The swing rapidly began to turn in the other direction side… turned… turned… and suddenly the rope broke.
My dear brother was tossed to one side and the swing to the other side. When he came back home from hospital he had sutures on his head. We had disappeared for 24 hours. (He is a surgeon now)
9. How to ruin your vacation?
If I did not go…
10. In 1977 NASA has sent orbiters Voyager 1 and 2 into space which will never stop to fly through the universe by gravity. They contain the Voyager Golden Records with many testimonials of the whole mankind, greetings in 55 languages introduced by US president Jimmy Carter (“This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and our feelings….”). The Golden Records with a lifespan of 500 million years at least are including drawings of a naked man and woman, detailed genitalia, many scientific graphics, sounds of planet earth and music by Bach, Beethoven, Mozart – and Chuck Berry:
Maybe aliens out there will be shocked in some million years! But in case such a NASA mission will be replayed: which (1) of your artworks should join it?
I think I have a suitable hero for such a NASA mission.
11. Please give us an answer to a question we didn’t ask!
It’s the best question that one could not ask!
Credits to Nicoleta Ionescu for talking with Menekşe Çam
1. Which movie/tv character you see yourself as and why?
I see myself as Obelix (due to my overweight, appetite but good at heart, lovely and loving) and as Asterix (because despite of my fat I m so hyperkinetic doing things and running 24 hours a day non stop) …
2. Next plans or ideas?
To colour my dreams with a smile!
3. Your food today?
Fried chicken with rice.
4. Do you like your place or would you like to live somewhere else?
Could you think of a better place than an island?
5. What was the huge mistake in your life you (unfortunately) never made?
Married to a beautiful young and rich blonde girl…are there any left?
6. Who are your neighbors?
People with courage and understanding who don’t get upset while I m practicing with my music band.
7. Tell me the shortest joke you know.
Crisis? What Crisis? This is the latest joke all over the world.
8. Tell me the biggest prank you did on a friend.
During an interview on a local TV show, when it came to a late good old friend, I remembered our good times and let it roll.
9. How to ruin your vacation?
Vacations should never ever be ruined, but if so, I reconsider it for a better οππορτυνιτυ (opportunity).
10. In 1977 NASA has sent orbiters Voyager 1 and 2 into space which will never stop to fly through the universe by gravity. They contain the Voyager Golden Records with many testimonials of the whole mankind, greetings in 55 languages introduced by US president Jimmy Carter (“This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and our feelings….”). The Golden Records with a lifespan of 500 million years at least are including drawings of a naked man and woman, detailed genitalia, many scientific graphics, sounds of planet earth and music by Bach, Beethoven, Mozart – and Chuck Berry:
Maybe aliens out there will be shocked in some million years! But in case such a NASA mission will be replayed: which (1) of your artworks should join it?
The collage I just did
11. Please give us an answer to a question we didn’t ask!
No questions asked, no answers replied…
Credits to Nicoleta Ionescu for talking with John Xagoraris
1. What was your dream last night?
I dreamt I was eating a giant marshmellow and woke up chewing on my pillow.
2. Next plans or ideas?
I am developing an cartoon app for the iPad.
3. Your food today?
Fruit, grains, sandwiches, beer & wine.
4. Do you like your place or would you like to live somewhere else?
Perfectly happy here in Sydney, Australia.
5. What was the huge mistake in your life you (unfortunately) never made?
I never won the lottery but I’m trying to rectify that mistake every week.
6. Who are your neighbors?
Ghengis Khan, Atilla the Hun and Jack the ripper. An extremely friendly neighborhood and great if you like kids. (for breakfast)
7. Tell me the shortest joke you know
An Englishman, a German and an Irishman walk into a bar. The barman says, ‘What is this…some sort of a joke!?’
8. Tell me the biggest prank you did on a friend.
I married her!
9. How to ruin your vacation?
Go to an alcohol-free resort!
10. In 1977 NASA has sent orbiters Voyager 1 and 2 into space which will never stop to fly through the universe by gravity. They contain the Voyager Golden Records with many testimonials of the whole mankind, greetings in 55 languages introduced by US president Jimmy Carter (“This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and our feelings….”). The Golden Records with a lifespan of 500 million years at least are including drawings of a naked man and woman, detailed genitalia, many scientific graphics, sounds of planet earth and music by Bach, Beethoven, Mozart – and Chuck Berry:
Maybe aliens out there will be shocked in some million years! But in case such a NASA mission will be replayed: which (1) of your artworks should join it?
The cartoon about environment.
11. Please give us an answer to a question we didn’t ask!
Eighty nine and a half.
Credits to Nicoleta Ionescu for talking with Mark Lynch
Berlin, 11. August 2009 – Dünyanın en büyük, profesyonel karikatür sitesi „“ artık üyelerine „Hoşgeldiniz“ diyerek Türkçe de sesleniyor. İki yıl önce hizmete sunulan portalın Türkçe’yi de devreye sokarak dünya pazarındaki yerini sağlamlaştırması ve büyüme hızını arttırmaya devam etmesi hedefleniyor.
„“ da şu anda 140 ülkeden 1200 çizerin 45.000 çalışması sergileniyor. Berlinli Karikatürist Bernd Pohlenz ve ekibi her gün çoğu profesyonel karikatür sanatçıları tarafından çizilerek siteye yüklenmiş 100 çalışmayı’da karikatür meraklıları ve gazete ve dergilerle buluşturuyor.
by Menekşe Cam’da Türkçe’nin de devreye girmesiyle kullanılan dil sayısı Almanca, İngilizce, Fransızca, İspanyolca, Yunanca olmak üzere altıya çıkmış bulunuyor. „Geo-Locating“ coğrafi yer belirleme sistemi sayesinde Türkiye’den siteye giriş yapan kullanıcılar otomatik olarak Türkçe anasayfaya giriş yapıyor olacaklar. Siteyi bir başka dilde izlemek isteyenler için ise altı ayrı ülkenin minik bayraklarından seçilenine tıklamak yetiyor.
by Şevket Yalaz’un Türkçe atağıyla ilgili bir açıklama yapan Bernd Pohlenz „’un Türkçe olarak da yayın yapması, atılması gereken mantıklı bir adımdı“ diyerek, moderasyon çalışmalarında, sitenin en fazla iletişim kuran çizerlerinin de Türkler arasından çıktığını gözlediklerini sözlerine ekledi.’da ayrıca Almanya’dan ve Avrupa’nın diğer ülkelerinden de pek çok Türk kökenli çizgilerini sergiliyorlar. Bernd Pohlenz: „ Özellikle geleneksel yaşam tarzıyla, modern çağı buluşturan ve değişik teknikleri deneyen sanatçıların çok başarılı ve farklı ürünlere imza attıklarını gözlediğini dile getirerek Türk kökenli sanatçıların dünyanın diğer ülkelerindeki meslektaşlarıyla iletişim kurma konusundaki becerilerinin de dikkat çekici olduğuna işaret ediyor ve örnek olarak Norveç’de bir dağ evinde felsefi boyutu olan çalışmalarıyla göz dolduran Firuz Kutal’ı ve uçuk çizgiler ve parlak renklerle başarılı ürünler veren ve „Juice“ gibi Hip-Hop magazinlerde çalışmaları yayınlanan Berlinli genç yetenek, grafik-desinatörü Sedat Ademci’yi örnek gösteriyor.
Sitede çalışmaları yer alan karikatürcüler arasında Türkiye’den Erdoğan Başol, Şevket Yalaz, Oğuz Gürel, Menekşe Çam, Hicabi Demirci, Dr. Halis Dokgöz, Ercan Baysal, Almanya’dan Erdoğan Karayel ve Hayati Boyacıoğlu da bulunuyor.
by Ercan Baysal
by Şevket Yalaz hakkında:
Uluslararası bir karikatür portalı olan „“ tam 140 ülkeden 1.200 sanatçının çalışmalarına yer veriyor Sitede, günün 24 saati, çizerler karikatür, grafik ve ilüstrasyonlarını kendi kendilerine yükleyebiliyorlar., Sitenin sayısı günde on binleri bulan ziyaretçileri ise çalışmaları saniye saniye izleyip, dilerlerse yorum yapabiliyorlar. adresinden girilen ticari bölümde ise sanatçıların sitede de sergilenen çalışmalarıyla süslenmiş, internetten sipariş yöntemiyle ve belirli sayıda ve kısa sürede hazırlanabilen baskı ve tekstil ürünleri sunuluyor. adresiyle de dünyadaki tüm gazetelere, en güncel karikatürler en yüksek çözünürlü olarak servis ediliyor. Dünyanın her tarafından siteye giren yayın yönetmenleri, gereksinim duydukları karikatürlere arama motorları ve anahtar sözcüklerle rahat bir şekilde ulaşıp, çizgileri indirebiliyorlar.
by Firuz Kutal
by Omer Cam
by Ali Sur
by Piyale Madra
by Metin Yilmaz
by Eniz Özger
by Eray Özbek
by Sedat Ademci (fubu)
by Menekşe Cam
by Şevket Yalaz
by Ercan Baysal
by Firuz Kutal
Berlin, 11. August 2009 – „Hoşgeldiniz“ („Herzlich willkommen“) heißt es ab sofort bei, dem größten professionellen Cartoon-Portal der Welt. Mit der Bereitstellung des Portals in türkischer Sprache folgt das vor knapp zwei Jahren gegründete Berliner Unternehmen konsequent seiner auf die Erschließung eines weltweit wachsenden Marktes gerichteten Expansions-Strategie.
Das Portal bietet derzeit mehr als 45.000 Bilder von 1.200 Künstlern aus rund 140 Ländern. Rund um die Uhr pflegt das Team um den Berliner Karikaturisten Bernd Pohlenz die täglich bis zu 100 neuen Werke ein, die vorwiegend von professionellen Zeichnern, aber auch Hobbykünstlern aus der ganzen Welt selbst hochgeladen werden.
Mit dem Launch der türkischsprachigen Version ist das Portal jetzt in sechs Sprachen navigierbar: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Griechisch und Türkisch. Per Geo-Locating gelangen User in der Türkei automatisch auf die türkische Startseite. Mithilfe des Flaggen-Icons lässt sich überall auf dem Globus jede andere der verfügbaren Sprachen einstellen.
„Die türkische Version war der nächste logische Schritt“, so Pohlenz, „denn aus unserer Moderation der interaktiven Features des Portals wissen wir, dass die türkischen Künstler und User zu den agilsten Teilnehmern weltweit gehören.“ Hinzu kommen viele Zeichner mit türkischem Hintergrund aus Deutschland und anderen Ländern. Bernd Pohlenz: „Künstler im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tradition und Moderne erleben wir als besonders kreativ und experimentierfreudig.“ Darüber hinaus sind kulturelle Verschmelzungen bei türkischstämmigen, in anderen Teilen der Welt arbeitenden Zeichnern bemerkenswert, zum Beispiel bei dem philosophierenden Maler-Cartoonisten Firuz Kutal, der in einer häufig verschneiten Berghütte in Norwegen arbeitet, oder dem jungen Grafik-Designer Sedat Ademci aus Berlin, der seine eigenwillig schrillen Motive auch in Hip-Hop-Magazinen wie „Juice“ veröffentlicht.
Als internationales Cartoon-Portal mit über 1.200 Künstlern aus 140 Ländern sammelt, fokussiert und ordnet rund um die Uhr Cartoons, Karikaturen, Illustrationen und Grafiken aus aller Welt, die von den Zeichnern eingestellt werden. Besucher können diese Werke auf der Website anschauen und kommentieren. Im kommerziellen Bereich bietet der Shop Print- und Textilerzeugnisse mit Cartoon-Motiven in On-Demand-Herstellung. Der Toon Agent steht professionellen Bildnutzern tagesaktuell als Bildagentur mit Suchmaschine und Schlagwortsuche offen, die hoch aufgelöste Motive zur Nutzung und für den sofortigen Download anbietet.
The recent presidential election in Iran and its aftermath found huge international coverage and attention.
As you may know, there was a huge and unprecedented turn-out in balloting, which was a sign of the Iranian people’s will to reform the current situation of the country. But the aftermath of the election was so desperately annoying that no free soul can ever close his eyes on it.
The same is true for the cartoonists. They have always accompanied people in portraying pains and in offering criticisms, in denouncing violence and in promotion of justice; and they have always called for peace. The same is true for the time being. The cartoonists feel an obligation to stand by people who have faced such unkindness.
We the cartoonists have always tried to laugh people out of pain and pressure. But how can one witness killing of brothers and sisters and still remain silent?
In such a situation, the 9th Tehran cartoon Biennale is on the way. Due to the post-election events, the cultural joy has totally disappeared from Iranian society. So we don not see any real interest in holding such a Biennale. In the current situation, we see our responsibility in a different perspective which does not necessarily include laughing and making laugh.
Due to this fact, we the undersigned cartoonists, declare that we would not participate in this international festival. Previously, the festival has been held by cooperation and sympathy of professional Iranian cartoonists but this time, we would not cooperate or participate.
1- Arvin
2- Nahideh Asiabi
3- Mahdi Aghajani
4- Mojtaba Adibi
5- Majid Adibi
6- Ali Asadi
7- Leyla Afsari
8- Reza Amirriahi
9- Sepideh Anjomrooz
10- Roya Anooshe
11- Mehran Iranlou
12- Mohsen Izadi
13- Sadegh Bagheri
14- Hamed Bazrafkan
15- Rahim Baghal Asghari
16- Saied Behdad
17- Hamid Bahrami
18- Vajihe Pari Zangane
19- Payam Pourfallah
20- Naeem Tadayon
21- Yahya Tadayon
22- Abdolebad Taghavi
23- Mahdi Tamizi
24- Abdolhadi Sanaie
25- Saied Janghorban
26- Shahb Jafarnejad
27- Javad Jafarian
28- Mahmoud Javadi
29- Bozorgmehr Hosseinpour
30- Hadi Heidari
31- Sasan Khadem
32- Nazanin Khami
33- Mohammad Khodadadi
34- Hossein Khosrojerdi
35- Morteza Khosravi
36- Hamid Kholghi
37- Behnam Khamisi
38- Mohammad Ali Khoshkam
39- Hamideh Khiabani
40- Hesam Dadkhah
41- Rahman Dadgostar
42- Behtash Davarpanah
43- Saied Davari
44- Hamidreza Davoudi
45- Ali Derakhshi
46- Paria Dehghani
47- Khashayar Radafshar
48- Farshid Rajabali
49- Jamal Rahmati
50- Maryam Rahimi
51- Hadi Rahimi
52- Saied Razzaghi
53- Ardeshir Rostami
54- Dariush Rmezani
55- Kianoosh Ramezani
56- Shiva Zamanfar
57- Kiyarash Zandi
58- Keyvan Zargari
59- Afshin Sabouki
60- Pouya Seyedkazemi
61- Fateme Shakool
62- Hooman Shahbandi
63- Mahdi Sadeghi
64- Hamid Sadeghian
65- Hossein Safi
66- Majid Salehi
67- Mohsen Zarifian
68- Ahmad Abdollahinia
69- Ahmad Arabani
70- Mahdi Alibeigi
71- Faez Alidoosti
72- Javad Alizadeh
73- Amin Alinia
74- Nooshin Omrahi
75- Arash Farrokhi
76- Hesam Fetrati
77- Mohammad Feizabadi
78- Asad Binakhahi
79- Majid Kazemi
80- Mahdi Karimzadeh
81- Ehsan Ganji
82- Ghasem Lotfi
83- Firoozeh Mozaffari
84- Bahar Movahhed Bashiri
85- Amin Moayedi
86- Shahnaz Mohi
87- Ali Miraee
88- Ayat Naderi
89- Mahnam Najafi
90- Alireza Nosrati
91- Maryam Noormohammadzadeh
92- Saeid Noroozi
93- Mana Neyestani
94- Vahid Nikgoo
95- Pantea Vaeznia
96- Hooman Hadizadeh
97- Ali Honarvar
98- Mohammad Sadjad Taheri
99- Mahmood Mohammad Tabrizi
100- Saeid Nemati
101- Salman Raeis Abdollahi
102- Peyman Rezaee
103- Bijan Asadipour
104- Hossein Shishegar
105- Saeid Ahrabi
106- Ali Mohammadi
107- Mohammad Tahani
108- Hamidreza Pournasiri
109- Masoud Mahini
110- Ali Tajaddod
111- Mahdi Mohammadi Roozbahani
112- Rafat Hashemi Sisakht
113- Saleh Tasbihi
114- Nima Jamali
115- Jalal Rahmati
116- Ali Jahanshahii
117- Alireza Hesami
118- Mohammah Saleh Razm Hosseini
119- Soroush Dastmalchina
120- Arezoo Aghababaeian
121- Hanif Bahari
122- Monire Kordestanchi
123- Armin Golchoobian
124- Mahnaz Yazdani
125- Mohammadreza Mobayen
126- Mahmood Salami
127- Behzad Riazi
128- Edik Boghosian
129- Maryam Farahzadi
130- Salman Taheri
131- Ghasem Elahi
132- Taravat Niki
133- Javad Karimifar
134- Syavash Zarrinabadi
135- Amir Dehghan
136- Sadegh Karaei
137- Ali Akbar Aryanfar
138- Morteza Azarkheil
139- Alireza Moghaddam far
140- Ehsan Mousavi
141- Atefe Madani
142- Mohsen Jafari
143- Farid Mortazavi
By Ali Miraee (Tehran, Iran)
“Hidden Eye” by Javad Alizadeh (Tehran/Iran)
Til Mette gilt als einer der wichtigsten Cartoonisten in Deutschland. Seit 1995 erscheinen seine Zeichnungen wöchentlich im Stern.
Von 1992 -2007 lebte er in New York, und so finden sich auch in seiner Malerei immer wieder New Yorker Stadtlandschaften bestückt mit seinem Cartoon-Personal. Die Ausstellung gibt einen Überblick über sein bisheriges Schaffen, die neuesten Zeichnungen werden zu sehen sein, aber auch ältere und unbekannte Arbeiten.
Til Mettes Cartoons schöpfen bevorzugt aus dem prallen Alltag: ob Arbeitswelt oder Freizeit, Mette ist ein genauer Beobachter. In eigentlich eher witzfreien Räumen wie Forschungslabors, Operationssälen und Büroetagen findet er Kuriositäten zuhauf. Seine überwiegend schwarz-weißen, akkurat gezeichneten und schraffierten Figuren berichten Hintergründiges, Lehrreiches, Lustiges und Erstaunliches. Til Mette ist einer der ungewöhnlichsten Cartoonisten, dem es immer wieder gelingt, sowohl täglichen Banalitäten als auch aktuellen Schrecknissen eine komische, eine lachhafte Seite abzugewinnen.
Doch Mette vermittelt auch echte Lebenshilfe egal ob beim Einkauf von Wein (“Wir wollen uns einen ballern. Können Sie da was empfehlen?”) oder im verregneten Urlaub (“Das Outdoor-Solarium!) Lediglich vor dem berüchtigten Kindermund kapituliert er und weiß auch keine Antwort, wenn der Balg im Kinder-Karussell fragt: “Sind wir bald da?”
Til Mette wurde 1956 in Bielefeld geboren. Von 1980 bis 1986 studierte er Kunst und Geschichtswissenschaften in Bremen. Er war Mitbegründer der taz-Bremen und auch in der bundesweiten Ausgabe der taz waren seine Cartoons fester Bestandteil. Seine Zeichnungen werden außerdem u. a. in der Süddeutschen Zeitung und in Funny Times (USA) veröffentlicht.
Im Jahr 2000 erhielt Til Mette den Karikaturenpreis der Sächsischen Zeitung. Im Lappan Verlag gibt es zahlreiche Publikationen von Til Mette, u.a. das Buch ›Komm schon!‹ und mehrere Cartoonbände zu den Themen ›Ärzte‹, ›Büro‹, ›(Ex-)Raucher‹ und ›Studenten‹. Zur Ausstellung erscheint der große Sammelband „Meine Welt“.
Freitag, 15.5.2009, 20 Uhr
Es spricht: Dieter Schwalm, Cartoonprogrammchef vom Lappan-Verlag
Til Mette ist anwesend
16.5. – 10.7.2009
Mi- So 14 – 19 Uhr
Ort: Cartoonfabrik
Krossener Str. 23 – 10245 Berlin Friedrichshain
Eintritt: 1,00 €
Buch zur Ausstellung:
„Meine Welt“ Lappan Verlag Oldenburg,320 z.T. farbige Seiten, Schutzumschlag, 29,95 €
Mit „Voll dit Leben!“ tritt der Berliner Cartoonist Sam in die Fußstapfen des berühmten Heinrich Zille. Jetzt ist das Buch erhältlich bei für 15 Euro.
Das Berliner „Milljöh“ ist untrennbar mit dem Namen Zille verbunden. Der berühmte „Pinsel-Heinich“ prägte wie kein anderer das Bild der preußischen Industriemetropole – ein Moloch aus Mietskasernen und Maschinenhallen, der den Menschen kaum Luft zum Atmen ließ. „Wenn ick will, kann ick Blut in den Schnee spucken… “, lautet ein bekannter Satz aus dem Mund eines schwindsüchtigen Zille-Kindes. Mit bitter-ironischem Witz hat der Berliner Grafiker und Karikaturist das Leben in den Hinterhöfen, Hurenhäusern und Arbeiterkaschemmen zu einer sozialkritischen Proletenidylle veredelt und dem Berliner Dialekt bis auf den heutigen Tag internationalen Kultstatus verliehen.
Inzwischen sind die Fabriken modernen Innovationszentren gewichen. Aus den Eckkneipen wurden Coffee-Shops. Und aus den Mietshäusern durchsanierte Mittelstandsquartiere für den urbanen Akademikernachwuchs. Ist Zille damit endgültig ein Fall fürs Museum?
Nicht unbedingt: Mit Sam ist ein neuer Zeichner in die Fußstapfen des alten Meisters getreten und findet abseits der ausgetrampelten Szenepfade und Sightseeing-Touren noch genügend Stoff für seine Milieu-Studien. Es gibt sie noch, die „Ickes“ und „Kiekste was“, nur dass man sie nicht in der Ständigen Vertretung, im Borchardt oder in den zahllosen Strand-Cafés an der Spree trifft. Eher schon an der Wurst-Bude, wo eine Berliner Type das „Siebenjänge-Menü“ bestellt: „Eene Bratwurscht und ’n Sixpack Bier“. Sam, mit bürgerlichem Namen André Paff, holt sich seine Inspirationen aus Kneipen wie Puschel in der Potsdamer Straße oder dem Torpedokäfer im Prenzlauer Berg. Orten, an denen sich der selige Mief der Eckkneipe mit den bierschweren Ergüssen standorttreuer Tresen-Philosophen mischt.
Die Hölle, das ist nicht mehr ein Leben zwischen Kohlenschleppen und Kartoffelsuppe. Die Hölle, das sind die fortwährenden Kleinkriege mit aktuellen und verflossenen Lebenspartnern, die Widrigkeiten einer Hartz-IV-Existenz und die ewige Frage nach dem letzten Bier. Da sagt der Wirt zu Gast: „Du hast noch zwölf Bier vom letzten Mal uff’n Deck’l stehn.“ Sagt der Gast: „Kannste wegkippen, trinkt ‚eh keena mehr.“ Oder ein nackter Mann steht in der Wohnung und die Frau in der Tür sagt: „So meinte ick dit nich: Du bist ausjezogen, wenn ick nach Hause komm!“
Auch der bayerische Tourist in der Lodenjoppe mit Hirschhornknöpfen bekommt sein Fett weg, etwa wenn er fragt: „Wie komme ich denn in den Zoo?“ – und die Antwort lautet: „Als wat denn?“ Unverkennbar, hier hat der berühmte Eckensteher Nante als Vorbild gedient. Wie überhaupt der berüchtigte Berliner Humor mit seinem Charme wie aufgekochtes Spülwasser bei Sam gut aufgehoben ist.
Inzwischen sind Sams Alttagsbetrachtungen fester Bestandteil in den Berliner Medien. Im „Berliner Kurier“ hat er täglich einen Cartoon und in der U-Bahn kann man seine Zeichnungen auf dem Monitor bewundern. Jetzt hat er ein Buch herausgebracht. In „Voll dit Leben!“ finden sich 128 seiner besten Zeichnungen – ein Sammelsurium aberwitziger Proleten-Poesie. Wie der der Trinker, der vor Kumpels noch mal sein Leben Revue passieren lässt:: „Also wenn ick noch mal uff de Welt komm, denn wäre ick jern so wie ick“?“ Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen.
Karl Hermann
Voll dit Leben! Sam, 128 Seiten, 15 Euro
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Das Buch „Voll dit Leben!“ ist der Auftakt einer Reihe von Cartoon-Büchern aus dem Cartoonisten, die an einer Buchveröffentlichung interessiert sind, können sich gern bei melden.