About that Easter cartoon competition: Yes, there is a winner. We’re terribly busy right now, but there should be an announcement some time next week.
In other news, labor day (May 1st) has come and gone. As usual, there have been some riots in Berlin, but it wasn’t as bad as last year. Unfortunately most cartoons on the issue seem to be mediocre agitprop rather than actual cartoons. I liked this little illustration, this chronology and this German cartoon about traditions and new models of employment.
There is also a number of cartoons on the Louisiana oil spill and they are surprisingly inventive: (1,2,3,4).
Cartoons of Interest
This week, my favourite cartoon is “Mantis Dinner Date” by Sardonic Salad, a cartoon co-op from Omaha, Nebraska. It’s a classic praying mantis cartoon, if there’s such a thing. I like pretty much everything about it – from the simple, yet effective colors and lines to to both the girl-mantis’ and the boy-mantis’ facial expressions. In fact, this cartoon made me get my old Gary Larson anthologies from the shelf.
Please also note “A Day in the Life of a Cow” by Piero Tonin, which is very nicely drawn although it features a rather conservative bovine family concept. There’s also a somewhat weird cartoon aptly titled “Brain” by Ukranian artist Kazanevski. It’s either about an accountant’s return to nature or the importance of brain training.
Finally, I would like to point out a series of cartoons by Garrincha. They are about a character named Miss Corina Tedeschi. Some of them are a bit strange. As far as I can say now, Ms. Tedeschi frequently interacts with street performers (1,2,3) and she also seems to have made friends with two robot aliens (1,2).