toonNews » google the latest stuff about Wed, 21 Nov 2012 17:15:33 +0000 en hourly 1 Last week on (March 21-27 2010) Sun, 28 Mar 2010 21:54:22 +0000 Paul Once again, has extended its reach: cartoons by our artists will be shown on screens in Leipzig’s public transportation system starting next week.

Other than that, there weren’t too many ‘new’ news events that sparked cartoons last week. The Health Care bill was signed by President Obama, which led to some optimism (1,2,3). Benjamin Netanjahu got a not-so-warm welcome in Washington, which, of course, produced no change in cartoons on the matter. Third, Google announced to redirect all Chinese visitors to Google Hong Kong and thus followed through with earlier threats. It always amazes me how cartoonists who will probably also draw “evil data collecting Google” cartoons suddenly switch to gloryfying that company (the most blatant case can be found here.  other examples here and here).


Kernunnos is from the Philadelphia area. His work is best described as “underground”.. which I guess is a pretty stupid category. What I am aiming at here is that his illustrations are kinda psychedelic (1, 2 ,3) and his narrative cartoons make use of topics some people might consider tasteless and they are pretty weird in terms of narrative (1 , 2). While I’m not a fan of this kind of storytelling or genitalia jokes, i really like his style. You should at least check out the illustrations and his character drawings. These are my favorites: 1,2,3,4.

New member Raim from Porto hasn’t uploaded too many cartoons yet. Still, I think it’s totally justifiable to mention him here – after all he’s the creator of this awesome orchestra. Looks like Johannes Stroh having gone berserk or some kind of musical steampunk event. Raim also did this cartoon on fans, (which, unfortunately, I do not get) and he is the creator of this anti-twitter cartoon. Which is well-drawn but a little too blatant for my taste. After all, Demi Moore has saved lives over twitter. Twice.

Cartoons of Interest

The caption roughly translates to “Gosh…Make your move already, Idiot.” I love the guys’ short arms and, once again, I think I’ve been there. The cartoon is by German artist Bob.

Please also note the musical midget mummy, the real purpose of bluefin tuna and the victory of the little guys.

Paul Hellmich

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