Junior’s artwork is so amazing that many of us were happy to find the story behind his ideas in the first interview, “Fabric and Fandom”, on toonpool’s blog.
What will you get if you mix cachaça (liquor made from fermented sugarcane) sugar and lime? You will get Brazil’s best known cocktail drink that could make you go to a cocktail party with a giraffe. Read more about it in the following letter:
1. Which movie/TV character you see yourself as and why?
I love Homer Simpson, and now I have the same belly.
2. What are your New Year’s resolutions?
Stop smoking!
3. What bores you the most?
My short time to do all the things I want to do…
4. Do you like your place or would you like to live somewhere else?
One of my dreams is live one time in Cuba… alone…
5. What are you able to do that Superman can’t do?
Superman can’t do my portraits
"The bar", as Junior and his friends call it, is the perfect place to grab a snak in the center of Sao Paolo
6. If you were sleep walking one night, where would you probably wake up the next day?
At the Zoo, kissing a giraffe.
7. What would you wear to be kicked out from a black tie cocktail party
Probably, after some caipirinhas, naked, with one naked giraffe
8. Tell me the biggest prank you did on a friend.
I married her!
9. How to ruin your vacation?
I’m in permanent vacation… I need a job
10. If I gave you a giraffe, where would you hide it?
I don’t have the psychological conditions to answer more questions about giraffes.
11. What do you do when you see the glass half empty!
Sorry, my funny and intelligent answers gone away.
Credits to Nicoleta Ionescu for talking with Junior Lopes
Brazilian artist Junior Lopes is a long-time toonpool.com member, and I have always admired his varied-yet-distinctive style. The idea for this interview, however, popped up only when I learned that he wasn’t only a cartoonist but also a fan of other cartoonists. I guess most artists are, but somehow I had never thought of it. Here’s an interview on idols, rags, and parakeets.
Junior, a few weeks ago you uploaded some photos of a lecture by R. Crumb & Gilbert Shelton in São Paulo. What kind of event was that?
Crumb and Shelton were at the FLIP, a large literary festival in Paraty. The Livraria da Vila, one of the biggest libraries in São Paulo invited them over for one hour of conversation with their fans… and they are very funny. One time, Crumb looked in my direction and smiled at me – it was fantastic!
Which was more important – seeing the two guys or hearing their answers to the questions?
I was there to see them and to learn a little more about their lives and techniques.. I tried to come up with some wise questions but in the end I asked Crumb a stupid one. See what a fool I am.. I said: “Mr. Crumb, what’s your opinion about the Brazilian big butts?” Of course everybody smiled and he answered that Brazilian people were amazing and that he never expected to be so famous here..
Were you able to talk to them in private?
It was impossible to talk to them..They’re like the Rolling Stones or the Beatles. The library organization didn’t help too much either, I have to admit..
Let’s talk about your own art.. I really like your collage-style portraits. Can you tell us more about how you do them? Is it all digital or do you own huge stacks of different kinds of cloth?
Its a long story… I´m from Castanhal,a little town in Pará and moved to São Paulo twelve years ago, because here is where everything happens. So,one morning, nine years ago, I woke up really drunk. Lola, my wife´s mother, was making a party dress..
I looked on the ground next to her and – believe me – there was something that looked like Jimi Hendrix´s face made from pieces of cloth. As soon as the alcohol had disappeared from my system I got some glue and pins and made my first portrait. There are some work-in-progress photos on my flickr page.
How do you collect all the pieces of cloth? Are you consciously looking for interesting patterns?
Next to where I live, there is a neighborhood called Brás.. It is great for shopping and there are lots of stores full of cloth. It’s my personal Disneyland.. Every now and then I will visit the fabric stores and buy lots of cloth.
Do you ever “cheat” – i.e. do the whole collage in Photoshop?
Well, when I have to do a fast portrait I will sometimes use the scanner and do the collage in Photoshop, but i prefer the handmade way. I think that more than 98 per cent of the portraits are made by my own hands..
So, how do you decide on whom to portray next?
I don’t decide consciously. Sometimes will i see a great photo, read a book or listen to some good music.. But these days, most of the time I´m making people´s portraits. My blog is very well-known and when someone wants one artwork, they can contact me.
… Let me have a little ad break here: If any of the toonpool.com friends wants a portrait – I have good prices.
Last question: I was wondering about the parrot on your avatar.. Is it yours? What’s his or her name?
Kiko is my beloved parrot..But he disappeared – I almost cried. Now I have two dogs, black-and-white ones.
Thanks for your time!
While this interview ended on a sad note, Junior’s new dogs actually turned it into one of the funniest so far. Junior had to interrupt the interview several times because the puppies woke up and needed his attention. It’s hard to think of any answers when someone is chewing on your toes or – as Junior put it – is falling in love with your leg.
23.04.09, 14:07
And here another submission from artist Witch:
Another great one! By Xavier Salvador
Carolina’s portrait by Quel:
by Hezz
I know it’s not a traditional caricature that’s why I call it a character drawing. I like how it came out.
By Ed Hall:
Here is my submission. I hope it’s in keeping with the spirit of the project.
Work by Tonio:
Coming from Split/Croatia – grand cartoonist zed drew Carolina:
Just received by legendary Dario Zapata from Colombia:
A Carolina sketch by artist Jesse Ribeiro from Brazil:
Artwork by Dario Zapata from Colombia, a visison:
Portrait by famous artist fubu
Carolina by marvelous Marcelo Rampazzo, artist from Brazil:
THXXX, fubu
Artwork from Romania with love by artist Marian Avramescu:
Wonderful portrait coming from Argentina by artist Adrian Palmas:
Entry by Marvelous Menekse from Izmir/Turkey:
another awesome contribution by salnavarro
Another wonderful contribution by KARKA