toonNews » octopus the latest stuff about Wed, 21 Nov 2012 17:15:33 +0000 en hourly 1 Last week on (July 4 – 11, 2010) Mon, 12 Jul 2010 11:07:41 +0000 Paul That’s it. The 2010 World Cup is over and Spain won – which is OK, I guess. Probably a result of beginning summer slump, Germany’s very own psychic octopus has been a top news item all over the world. Of course cartoonists were having a  field day, too. There’s cartoons about German irritation about the mollusk’s (correct) predictions about the semi-finals (here & here) as well as cartoons about the finals (here & here). Some artists have thought about Paul’s future (here & here) and some about his past (here). Finally, one artist correctly points out the dangers that cephalopods pose to either journalism or informatics (here). Once again, I can’t really tell because I don’t speak Spanish.


An Yong Chen is a new member from Chongquing. He has added some fine pencil drawings. I noticed that, apart from his caricatures of Mao Zedong and Kim Yong Il, his characters all have western features. Of course, is a pretty “western” community, so he might have chosen to do this on purpose. If not, it would be a topic worth examining. In his cartoons An Yong Chen expresses media criticism, technology criticism, and anti-war sentiments.

Cartoons of Interest

“Crime Scene” – this week’s favorite  – is actually a part of a series of classic art spoofs by Costa Rican artist Munguia. They look like collectible cards and many of them are truly funny and innovative, so you should really browse through Munguia’s gallery if you have some time off. Unfortunately, some of them are really small …  but there is  still hop that the artist will re-upload them. (ahem)

I also would like to share this cartoon about kings, this one about long-term relations between butlers and their employers, and this caricature of Diego Maradona. I know that this is probably the umpteenth caricature of Maradona I am posting but.. what can I say.. he’s Maradona.

Paul Hellmich

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