Today we ran our slideshow again on my computer, this day with a fresh Hertha Müller (nobel prize winner) caricature. By coincidence, the real Hertha Müller showed up in the 3sat booth for an TV interview just around the corner of the booth, but unfortunately she did not see the portrait (of course, she is a busy woman).
Our lovely collector’s item, the remarkable “Goethe-Tüte” (engl. Goethe-Bag) which Battlestar and I designed and ordered in a 2-hour rush some weeks ago, displaying a great woodcarving-like portrait of German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe by Spanish artist Xavier Salvador, found some fans, but they are still few.
The parking misery and the freezy weather continue, but well, that’s none of the interesting stuff – just for the diary atmosphere. Maintenant, the image agency section gives a little party with local Hessian fingerfood (meat salad with boiled egg) and drinks (Äppelwoi, that’s a sweet apple wine).

Thorsten Moser, Johanna Fritz and Nina Heincke talking with Bernd

Michael Holtschulte is watching me eating Hessian fingerfood

Michael Holtschulte, Frank and Bernd
Hessian fingerfood & apple mouses go toether well. And since you’re not using your fingers, the scrolling ball thing wont smell like meat. Or egg. Cunning.
das sind ja petite portionen. verhungert uns nicht.