Kifah Al Reefi grew up in Iraq and now resides in Amsterdam. He uses very simple color gradients for his cartoons that would seem a bit dated if they didn’t work so well (look at these two, for example). So far, his cartoons mostly deal with the big topics – war, peace, freedom and terrorism. I liked the symmetry of this one, the hypnotic cross-hatching in this one, and the overall design and sickish green background of this one.
Massachusetts-based Jeremy Billadeau works in a field of cartooning hardly found on His “Skipper”, although technically a webcomic, is actually a classic American newspaper strip. The stories about the be-hatted title character and his friends (a rat and a squirrel) come in different formats: single or three-panel cartoons for weekdays, a larger format for Sundays. One of the Sunday strips has a nice shout-out to Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes. I think this is an interesting format and I would be glad if more “newspaper strip artists” would present their work on
Cartoons of Interest
Personal Favorite

Rex May's "Recession" is my favorite cartoon of last week. It is a great comment on economists' abstract definitions of developments that can have very concrete consequences. It also reminded me of these simulation computer games like "Civilization" - especially of those little guys representing your population.
PS: Another cartoon by Rex – the one with the marriage counselor – was a very close contestant.
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