The Complete Duck Quote
If you’re an artist and you own a duck, you’re probably a cartoonist.
If you’re a cartoonist and you own a duck and then you eat the duck, you’re a French cartoonist.
If you draw a political picture of a duck and you label it “duck”, then you’re a cartoonist.
If you draw a political picture of a duck and you don’t label it “duck”, you’re an illustrator.
If you draw a political picture of a duck for the New York Times Op-Ed page, you’re an illustrator
If you do a cartoon picture of a duck for a magazine cover, children’s book, play or movie poster, you’re an illustrator.
If you draw a cartoon picture of a duck for a comic strip, panel gag cartoon or comic book or graphic novel, you’re a cartoonist.
If you draw a geometric design of a duck, you’re an illustrator.
If you’ve made a funny cartoon duck for the cover of the New Yorker, you’ve made a “drawing” not a cartoon or an illustration.
If you’ve made a funny cartoon duck for the cover of Time magazine, you’re an illustrator.
If you’ve made a funny cartoon duck for the cover of Mad magazine, you’re a cartoonist.
If you do all of the above, you’re a cartoonist and an illustrator.
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© toonpool.comTags: Alex Falco, Cartoon, Cuba, illustration
Absolutely very successful interview and great dialogs!
(of course his website too). It all is wonderful.
Love this interview too much and Alex’s explanations about cartoon and illustration and his friend Randy Enos’s words about “ducks”
But Paul, I think you asked to wrong person your question about condoms.
“Is there something special about condoms for you?” You should ask this question to 16. Papa Benedict for his condom revolution!!!
Yes, the thin line between cartoon and illustration … interesting topic of debate.
Very interesting interview with an artist whom I admire greatly, a very sharp intelligence and great friend.
But obviously embargo is unable to contain ability to create and share with the world …. here is a trick, though of course he Cuban people must suffer the real consequences of the embargo to other much more basic levels.
I join to the idea of condoms, we could launch a new collection. I guess the Pope is also ready to join, although I imagine that he’s allergic to latex and if one falls into his hands swell it and use like a balloon.
“Sigue con tu trabajo, hermano. Ya sabes que siento una gran admiración y te envío un abrazo muy caluroso desde la lluviosa Barcelona!”
Congrats Alex and Paul !
I’m so glad to see Alex getting the world wide exposure he deserves. As a Yankee, I am embarrassed and humiliated at my government’s continued abuse of Cuba–a country that has never done a thing to the USA. I thought collective punishment was against international law. Oh well, as wikileaks recently revealed, the US seems to believe it is above all that.
Hopefully the US will come to its senses and stop punishing the people of Cuba for not being the country the USA wants.